miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016

PRESENT PERFECT ACTIVITY. Complemente las oraciones utilizando tiempo presente simple, pasado simple o presente perfecto. Debe complementar las diez oraciones y enviar su trabajo al correo.

Present simple – past simple and present perfect activity
Complete the sentence with present/ past/ present perfect with the verbs in brackets

1.     I __________________ (study) in Maria Goretti High School since I had 5 years old
2.    _______ you ever ________ to Bogota?
3.    She ________________ ( not play) football in the park yesterday
4.    We ________________ (study) in 9-8 classroom
5.    My dog ______________ (not eat) any kind of food
6.    Esteban ______________ (go) to the school last year
7.    My father _______________ (not see) me with my boyfriend
8.    I ________________ ( not watch) the movie Titanic
9.    ________ She ________ the piano?
10. My neighbor ______________ (not do) parties in his house

lunes, 18 de abril de 2016

ORAL ACTIVITY: Les solicito copiar estas preguntas e ir respondiendolas para realizar una actividad oral en la semana siguiente.

Question oral comprehension
1.      What do you think about social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.? Do you have one   of these?
2.      Do you think you spend many time in social networks? How much time do you spend in social networks?
3.      Do you consider social networks as useful tool for communication?
4.      Do you think social networks become people addict?
5.      Have you known somebody that becomes addict of social networks? How is his/her behavior?
6.      Do social networks make problems in personal life? Give some examples
7.      Have you ever had some problems for social networks?
8.      Do you think social networks help you to learn English language?
9.      Do you consider social networks are safe?
10.   What are the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook?


I was born on december 10, 1971. I grew up in Agualongo neighborhood and I began to study in María Goretti school when I was seven years old.  I finished high school in 1989.

After that, I entered to the university and I study modern languages:  english and french.
When I finished I worked in different school.  Then after that, I got married and I had two children.
That's all until now.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

Curso de inglés 52 - Ropa en inglés vocabulario Prendas Accesorios Calza...

categorias gramaticales.

Recuerden:  Deben seleccionar 5 oraciones e indicar en ellas las categorias gramaticales. 
  • He is singing a song. / Él está cantando una canción.
  • She went to the zoo yesterday. / Ella fue al zoológico ayer.
  • They are cooking pasta now. / Ahora están cocinando pasta.
  • You should go to the dentist. / Deberías ir a un dentist.
  • I will go to Manhattan next week. / Iré a Manhattan la próxima semana.
  • She is going to visit her parents a couple of weeks. / Ella irá a visitar a sus padres un par de semanas.
  • They heard just one song. / Sólo escucharon una canción.
  • I am reading a new book about Africa. / Estoy leyendo un Nuevo libro sobre África.
  • They used to go to Hawaii every summer. / Ellos solían ir a Hawaii todos los veranos.
  • I love eating chocolate. / Amo comer chocolate.
  • They bought a new car. / Ellos compraron un nuevo auto.
  • Susan is playing the guitar in her room. / Susan está tocando la guitarra en su cuarto.
  • Mike did not wash the car yet. / Mike no lavó el auto todavía.
  • Have you ever seen my cat? / ¿Alguna vez viste a mi gato?
  • They are going to move to Los Angeles. / Ellos se van a mudar a Los Angeles.
  • CLASE DE INGLÉS 116 Simple Past II. En clase copiaremos el contenido. Escuchen con atención