lunes, 18 de abril de 2016

ORAL ACTIVITY: Les solicito copiar estas preguntas e ir respondiendolas para realizar una actividad oral en la semana siguiente.

Question oral comprehension
1.      What do you think about social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.? Do you have one   of these?
2.      Do you think you spend many time in social networks? How much time do you spend in social networks?
3.      Do you consider social networks as useful tool for communication?
4.      Do you think social networks become people addict?
5.      Have you known somebody that becomes addict of social networks? How is his/her behavior?
6.      Do social networks make problems in personal life? Give some examples
7.      Have you ever had some problems for social networks?
8.      Do you think social networks help you to learn English language?
9.      Do you consider social networks are safe?
10.   What are the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook?

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